May 23, 2007


If someone were to ask me not, "What do you do?" but "Who are you?" (a much more interesting question, don't you think?) I would answer: "I am a mystic." Then that person quite possibly could either scrunch their forehead or crinkle their eyes, or twist their mouth to reveal what they are thinking: how odd. They might politely drift away from me or change the subject. Or, they might even venture to admit, "Really!? Me too!" In which case we could excitedly compare notes on our mutual mystic-ness.

I would answer "I am a mystic" because I am an appreciator of all things mystical, having more than a slight aversion to the practical duties of life. Show me forests harboring faeries or fog drifting in wisps from the sea or ancient practices in the search for God, and I'm in. Inform me of the necessity of new windshield wipers or a trip to the market and I'm wondering how I can make it go away.

I enjoy delving into the unconscious mind to understand, evolve, grow spiritually, or to heal. This is where we find the answers to why we are in pain, depressed, angry, sick, alone, escaping, unsatisfied with our jobs or with people or life itself. We are not conscious of why we are ill or in pain or suffering in a relationship, but when we become aware of it the opportunity for healing is immense.

A good healer will work on your behalf to make whole what is fragmented. Your body, mind, and spirit will be addressed because one cannot be separated from the others. A good healer will be a catalyst for you to come into wholeness. This can occur for someone on the verge of dying, too. Healing does not mean to make someone like they were before or to make it all go away, although it does mean guiding one to a better place than before. A dying person can come into wholeness. How wonderful to strive for this harmony just before death.

To address the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a person is vital to that person's wellness. What I do toward this end is endlessly fascinating. I'm deeply intrigued by this condition called life in which we've found ourselves. I'm grateful to help others come into wholeness. Sometimes even through our tears we can laugh about what we find deep within ourselves as we begin to realize we are all in this together.

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